# ==================================================================== # Check Hyper-V VM state # Author: Mathieu Chateau - LOTP # mail: mathieu.chateau@lotp.fr # version 0.1 # ==================================================================== # # Require Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned.. or sign this script with your PKI # # ============================================================ # # Do not change anything behind that line! # param ( [string]$excludeVM = "", [int]$maxWarn = 1, [int]$maxCrit = 5 ) # check that powershell Hyper-V module is present if(Get-Module -Name "Hyper-V" -ListAvailable) { try { Import-Module -Name Hyper-V import-module -Name BestPractices } catch { Write-Host "CRITICAL: Missing PowerShell Hyper-V module" exit 2 } } else { Write-Host "CRITICAL: Missing PowerShell Hyper-V module" exit 2 } $countVMNotRunning=0 $countVMIssue=0 $allVM=get-VM $output="" $excludeVMArray=@() # check params if provided if($excludeVM -ne "") { $excludeVMArray=$excludeVM -split "," } foreach ($vm in $allVM) { if ($excludeVMArray -notcontains $vm.Name) { if($vm.State -ne "Running") { $countVMNotRunning++ } if($vm.Status -ne "Operating normally") { $countVMIssue++ } } } $bpaResult=Get-BpaResult -ModelId Microsoft/Windows/Hyper-V -ErrorAction 'silentlycontinue' | ? {$_.Resolution -ne $null} Start-Job -Name "Refresh BPA" -ScriptBlock { Invoke-BpaModel -ModelId Microsoft/Windows/Hyper-V} |Out-Null $countBPAWarn=($bpaResult |? {$_.Severity -eq "Warning"}).Count $countBPACrit=($bpaResult |? {$_.Severity -eq "Error"}).Count if(($countBPACrit -gt $maxCrit) -or ($countVMNotRunning -gt $maxCrit) -or ($countVMIssue -gt $maxCrit)) { $state="CRITICAL" $exitcode=2 } elseif(($countBPAWarn -gt $maxWarn) -or ($countVMNotRunning -gt $maxWarn) -or ($countVMIssue -gt $maxWarn)) { $state="WARNING" $exitcode=1 } else { $state="OK" $exitcode=0 } $output=$state+": "+"'VM Not Running:'"+$countVMNotRunning+" "+"'VM issues:'"+$countVMIssue+" "+"BPA Error:"+$countBPACrit+" "+"BPA Warning:"+$countBPAWarn $output+="|"+"VM_Not_Running="+$countVMNotRunning+" " $output+="VM_issues="+$countVMIssue+" " $output+="BPA_Error="+$countBPACrit+" " $output+="BPA_Warning="+$countBPAWarn Write-Host $output exit $exitcode