Project 2013: Upgrade-SPProjectWebInstance – ActivatePWAWebThemesFeature failed

Trying to upgrade a Project instance from 2010 to 2013:

Upgrade-SPProjectWebInstance https://url/pwa

I got the following error:

Upgrade-SPProjectWebInstance : Post provision setup failed.
ActivatePWAWebThemesFeature failed.
At line:1 char:1
+ Upgrade-SPProjectWebInstance https://url/pwa
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Offic...radePwaInstance:
 PSCmdletUpgradePwaInstance) [Upgrade-SPProjectWebInstance], ProvisionException
 + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Cmdlet.PSCmdletUpgradePwaInstance



You need to firstly upgrade the SharePoint site to 20103 to get the feature available::

Upgrade-SPSite -Identity https://url/pwa -versionupgrade

Then start again the pwa upgrade:

Upgrade-SPProjectWebInstance https://url/pwa

Time management in IT

In IT, as in all professionals works, we often feel to “miss” time. Weeks after weeks, we may imagine ourself rowing in desert.

That’s why, in february last year, i opened an account on RescueTime. For the 10 monthes of 2012, it shows up some perspective:


That’s 2418 hous in total, or 6.6h per day in 7/7 …. Another thing, we easily see the holidays (holes).

Their software screen directly used software and get it’s own database to classify them. Even installed on my smartphone, to get the big picture.

Their classification is good with few errors, which can be corrected directly.

The increasing interest in digging by type of activity, for example, I’m more development in late:


By software:


We can even compare ourself to others using their software:



This solution does not allow me to spare time or significantly increase my productivity… But at least I can measure it and know how it happened, which is a first step 🙂



System Center Orchestrator 2012 – PowerShell script – ForegroundColor definition exception

En migrant un script PowerShell sous Orchestrator 2012, j’ai obtenue le message d’erreur suivant:

Exception lors de la définition de « ForegroundColor » : « Impossible de convertir la valeur Null en type « System.ConsoleColor » en raison de valeurs d'énumération non valides. Spécifiez l'une des valeurs d'énumération suivantes et réessayez. Les valeurs d'énumération possibles sont « Black, DarkBlue, DarkGreen, DarkCyan, DarkRed, DarkMagenta, DarkYellow, Gray, DarkGray, Blue, Green, Cyan, Red, Magenta, Yellow, White ». »

Le script commençait pas un classique “cls”. Cette commande n’est pas compatible dans une exécution de script PowerShell avec Orchestrator.

De toute façon on ne voit pas les sorties écrans et donc ça ne sert pas 🙂

Un message d’erreur plus propre aurait toutefois été apprécié.