Nagios: monitor Hyper-V 2012 health – BPA & VM

This Nagios plugin check Hyper-V 2012 server health through PowerShell + NRPE (nsclient++):

  • Execute and retrieve BPA scan result (Best Practice Analyzer)
  • Check that all VM are running
  • Check that no VM are in any state other than “Operating normally”

Warning and Critical state are triggered by the sum of:

  • BPA alerts
  • # VM in unhealthy state

VM (models…) can be excluded through an argument

A new BPA scan is triggered at every execution, but new result is retrieved next time (async) (take too much time).

Provided performance data:

  • # VM stopped,
  • # VM unhealthy,
  • # BPA errors
  • # BPA warning

Tested setup


  • Centos 6.4 x64
  • Nagios 3.4.4
  • check_nrpe 2.13
  • Centreon 2.4.2


  • Windows Server 2012 (needed to have PowerShell Hyper-V module)
  • nsclient++ 0.4.1 x64

Script argument

  • excludeVM (comma separated)
  • maxWarn (Warning if aboce) (1 by default)
  • maxError (Criticial if above) (5 by default)

maxWarn and maxCrit must be integer

Usages samples

Directly in PowerShell:

PS C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts>. .lotp_check_hyper-v.ps1
WARNING: 'VM Not Running:'2 'VM issues:'0 BPA Error:1 BPA Warning:12|VM_Not_Running=2 VM_issues=0 BPA_Error=1 BPA_Warning=12
PS C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts>

Through NRPE:

[root~]# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H myMonitoredServer -n -c check_hyper-v
WARNING: 'VM Not Running:'2 'VM issues:'0 BPA Error:1 BPA Warning:12|VM_Not_Running=2 VM_issues=0 BPA_Error=1 BPA_Warning=12


On Windows:

  • Enable powershell script execution without signed : Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  • copy script in folder C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts
  • Add to nsclient.ini:
    • [/settings/external scripts/wrapped scripts]
    • check_hyper-v=lotp_check_hyper-v.ps1 -excludeVM $ARG1$ -maxWarn $ARG2$ -maxError $ARG3$


On Centreon, by adding this command:

$USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -n -t 60 -c check_hyper-v -a $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$



Source code:

# ====================================================================
# Ping a list of targets through NRPE
# Author: Mathieu Chateau - LOTP
# mail:
# version 0.1
# ====================================================================

# Require Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned.. or sign this script with your PKI 

# ============================================================
#  Do not change anything behind that line!
	[int]$maxWarn = 1,
	[int]$maxError = 5

$targetsArray=$targets -split(' ')
Remove-Job -Name * -Confirm:$false -Force
foreach($t in $targetsArray)
	Start-Job -Name $t -ArgumentList $t -ScriptBlock {param($t);if(Test-Connection -ComputerName $t  -Count 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){return $true}else{return $false}} |Out-Null
while(Get-Job -State Running)
	Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
foreach ($job in Get-Job)
	$temp=Receive-Job -Name $job.Name
		$output+=$job.Name+" - "
if ($countKO -gt $maxError)
elseif ($countKO -gt $maxWarn)

$output=$state+":"+$countOK+" online"+" - "+$countKO+" offline - "+$output
$output+="online="+$countOK+";"+$maxWarn+";"+$maxError+";"+" "
Write-Host $output
exit $exitcode

dcdiag – VerifyEnterpriseReferences – msDFSR-ComputerReferenceBL – Q312862

While writing a Nagios plugin on Active Directory health, dcdiag /e /c got the good idea to give this alert:

Starting test: VerifyEnterpriseReferences

The following problems were found while verifying various important DN

references. Note, that these problems can be reported because of

latency in replication. So follow up to resolve the following

problems, only if the same problem is reported on all DCs for a given

domain or if the problem persists after replication has had

reasonable time to replicate changes. 

 [1] Problem: Missing Expected Value

Base Object: CN=myDC,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=mydomain,DC=net

Base Object Description: "DC Account Object"

Value Object Attribute Name: msDFSR-ComputerReferenceBL

Value Object Description: "SYSVOL FRS Member Object"

Recommended Action: See Knowledge Base Article: Q312862


Article Q312862 is not really helpful, but the underlying problem is true.

Since Windows 2008, AD replication is meant through DFS-R and not FRS anymore. But it implies to have only DC > Windows Server 2003.

So if your DC are updated enough, you can use dfsrmig to migrate, which main commands are:

Check global state:

PS C:usersmchateauDesktop> dfsrmig /GetGlobalState

Current DFSR global state: 'Start'


Values can be:

0 'Start'
1 'Prepared'
2 'Redirected'
3 'Eliminated'

==>if you are already in DFS-R, state is Eliminated.

Check migration state:

PS C:usersmchateauDesktop> dfsrmig /GetMigrationState

All domain controllers have migrated successfully to the Global state ('Start').
Migration has reached a consistent state on all domain controllers.


Go from start to Prepared:

PS C:usersmchateauDesktop> dfsrmig /SetGlobalState 1

Current DFSR global state: 'Start'

New DFSR global state: 'Prepared'

Migration will proceed to 'Prepared' state. DFSR service will copy the contents of SYSVOL to SYSVOL_DFSR folder.
If any domain controller is unable to start migration, try manual polling.
Or run with option /CreateGlobalObjects.
Migration can start anytime between 15 minutes to 1 hour.


Check state (in progress):

PS C:usersmchateauDesktop> dfsrmig /GetMigrationState

The following domain controllers have not reached Global state ('Prepared'):

Domain Controller (Local Migration State) - DC Type

myDC01 ('Start') - Writable DC
myDC02 ('Start') - Writable DC
myDC03 ('Start') - Primary DC
myDC04 ('Start') - Writable DC

Migration has not yet reached a consistent state on all domain controllers.
State information might be stale due to Active Directory Domain Services latency.
PS C:usersmchateauDesktop>


You just have to go through the last two steps, turn by turn:

dfsrmig /SetGlobalState 2
dfsrmig /SetGlobalState 3


In the end:

PS C:usersmchateauDesktop> dfsrmig /GetMigrationState
All domain controllers have migrated successfully to the Global state ('Eliminated').
Migration has reached a consistent state on all domain controllers.

Nagios: multithreaded multi ping through nrpe

Multithreaded multiple ping targets from a remote server through nrpe / nsclient.

For example, if you have a remote site with one server, you can then use it to ping different targets (local switch, google…).

Return number of online/offline targets.

the multithreaded allow a quick execution even with high number of targets, even if they are offline.

typical execution time: 1.75 seconds per target, in average

Provide performance data to get the ratio offline/online.

Can specify number of target that must be offline before triggering warning and critical state.

Tested setup


  • Centos 6.4 x64
  • Nagios 3.4.4
  • check_nrpe 2.13
  • Centreon 2.4.2


  • Windows Server 2008 R2 / 2012
  • nsclient++ 0.4.1 x64 et x86
  • Servers Core & GUI

Script arguments

  • targets (separated by commas, MANDATORY)
  • maxWarn (Warning if offline number above) (1 par défaut)
  • maxError (Critical if offline number above) (5 par défaut)

maxWarn et maxCrit must be integer

Sample usages

Directly in PowerShell:

PS C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts>. .lotp_check_multiping.ps1, 1 2 
OK:2 online - 0 offline - |online=2;1;2; offline=0;1;2;
PS C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts>

Through NRPE:

[root~]# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H myMonitoredServer -n -c check_multiping -a, 1 2
OK:2 online - 0 offline - |'online'=2;1;2 'offline'=0;1;2


On Windows:

  • Enable powershell script execution without signed : Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  • copy script in folder C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts
  • Add to nsclient.ini:
    • [/settings/external scripts/wrapped scripts]
    • check_multiping=lotp_check_multiping.ps1 -targets $ARG1$ -maxWarn $ARG2$ -maxError $ARG3$


On Centreon, by adding this command:

$USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -n -t 60 -c  check_multiping -a $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$



(remove .txt at the end)

Source code :

# ====================================================================
# Ping a list of targets through NRPE
# Author: Mathieu Chateau - LOTP
# mail:
# version 0.1
# ====================================================================

# Require Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned.. or sign this script with your PKI 

# ============================================================
#  Do not change anything behind that line!
	[int]$maxWarn = 1,
	[int]$maxError = 5

$targetsArray=$targets -split(' ')
Remove-Job -Name * -Confirm:$false -Force
foreach($t in $targetsArray)
	Start-Job -Name $t -ArgumentList $t -ScriptBlock {param($t);if(Test-Connection -ComputerName $t  -Count 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){return $true}else{return $false}} |Out-Null
while(Get-Job -State Running)
	Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
foreach ($job in Get-Job)
	$temp=Receive-Job -Name $job.Name
		$output+=$job.Name+" - "
if ($countKO -gt $maxError)
elseif ($countKO -gt $maxWarn)

$output=$state+":"+$countOK+" online"+" - "+$countKO+" offline - "+$output
$output+="online="+$countOK+";"+$maxWarn+";"+$maxError+";"+" "
Write-Host $output
exit $exitcode

SharePoint: The local farm is not accessible. Cmdlets with FeatureDependencyId are not registered

Top issues:

  • Powershell prompt not started with run as administrator (UAC)
  • You are not a local admin at all,
  • You don’t have access to database in SQL. Snapin must connect to SQL database.

For the UAC stuff, you can use Process Explorer to be sure you are really an admin (UAC elevated):

  • Deny : You are memver but UAC is blocking you (filtered). Restart with run as administrator
  • Owner: You are really admin with UAC elevated. Check SQL rights 😉

06-05-2013 22-52-21

06-05-2013 22-53-32


Nagios: Monitor local Windows time

Check local time against a provided source or AD(autodetect) or through NRPE / nsclient++.

Windows Server that are not DC can’t be tested through NTP by default.
This script is executed locally and compare time with w32tm tool.


  • If reference server is provided, it’s used directly.
  • If no reference server is provided:
  • if domain joined:
    • Try to use logonserver variable, to get closest live DC.
    • Else auto find a DC (random) which is not itself and compare time.
    • Else, use
  • If workgroup:use

Provide performance data (offset jig) to get graphs

tested setup


  • Centos 6.4 x64
  • Nagios 3.4.4
  • check_nrpe 2.13
  • Centreon 2.4.2


  • Windows Server 2003 / 2008 R2 / 2012
  • nsclient++ 0.4.1 x64 et x86
  • Servers Core & GUI

Script arguments:

  • refTimeServer (AD autofind or by default)
  • maxWarn (Warning if above, in second) (1 by default)
  • maxError (Critical if above, in second) (5 by default)


maxWarn and maxCrit but me integer.
The time is compared in absolute, so it works either the shift is positive or negative

Sample usages

Directly in PowerShell:

PS C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts> . .lotp_check_time.ps1 
OK:-00.0307684s - checked against|offset=-00.0307684s;1;5;
PS C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts>

Through NRPE:

[root~]# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H myserver -n -c check_time -a "myPDCServer" 1 5 
OK:+00.0671837s - checked against myPDCServer|'offset'=0.06718s;1;5


On Windows:

  • Enable powershell script execution without signed : Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  • copy script in folder C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts
  • Add to nsclient.ini:
    • [/settings/external scripts/wrapped scripts]
    • check_time=lotp_check_time.ps1 -refTimeServer $ARG1$ -maxWarn $ARG2$ -maxError $ARG3$


On Centreon, by adding this command:

$USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -n -c check_time -a "$ARG1$" $ARG2$ $ARG3$


(remove .txt at the end)



# ====================================================================
# Check time against DC or specified server through NRPE / w32tm
# Author: Mathieu Chateau - LOTP
# mail:
# version 0.1
# ====================================================================

# Require Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned.. or sign this script with your PKI 

# ============================================================
#  Do not change anything behind that line!
	[int]$maxWarn = 1,
	[int]$maxError = 5

if(($refTimeServer -eq $null) -or ($refTimeServer -eq "") -or ($refTimeServer -eq " "))
	$refTimeServer=$env:LOGONSERVER -replace ('\',"")
	if(($refTimeServer -match "^$|^ $") -or ($env:LOGONSERVER -match $refTimeServer))
		if((gwmi win32_computersystem).partofdomain -eq $true)
			#Must use select and not .Name directly. If some DC are down, command will be empty with .Name
			$fromAD=(([System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain() | % { $_.DomainControllers }))| select Name 
			foreach ($entry in $fromAD)
				if(($env:COMPUTERNAME -match $entry) -or ($entry -match $env:COMPUTERNAME))
					#this server is a DC, can't check time against itself
			if($fromAD.Count -gt 1)
				#get a random DC from AD, as no server provided and no logon server could be found
				$refTimeServer=(Get-Random -InputObject $fromAD).Name
				#only one DC, defaulting to internet
			#Workgroup but no server to check time against provided. Defaulting to internet to do something

if(($refTimeServer -eq $null) -or ($refTimeServer -eq "") -or ($refTimeServer -eq " "))
	#Something bad happened. Should never happen
	Write-Host "CRITICAL: can't auto detect logon server to check against. Need to specify manually using refTimeServer argument"
	exit 2

$temp=w32tm /stripchart /computer:$refTimeServer /period:1 /dataonly /samples:1
$temp=($temp | select -Last 1) -replace (".*, ","")
$temp=$temp -replace ("s$","")

if ($temp -match "^(+|-)[0-9]+.[0-9]+$")
	$output=$temp+"s - checked against "+$refTimeServer
	if ([math]::abs($temp) -gt $maxError)
	elseif ([math]::abs($temp) -gt $maxWarn)
	$output="Error: - used $refTimeServer as time server - output:$temp"

Write-Host $output
exit $exitcode

SharePoint – event 8311 – SSL policy errors have been encountered. Error code 0x2


SharePoint is generous in error messages, and they nearly get a reason evertytime…Just need to figure out

This time, the following error message appeared both on 2010 and 2013 farm:
sharepoint event 8311

Which give in text:

Log Name: Application
Source: Microsoft-SharePoint Products-SharePoint Foundation
Event ID: 8311
Task Category: Topology
Level: Error
An operation failed because the following certificate has validation errors:nnSubject Name: CN=Server.mydomain.netnIssuer Name: CN=my-CA, DC=mydomain, DC=net

Errors:nn SSL policy errors have been encountered. Error code '0x2'..



A certificate has been binded to IIS for SharePoint Web Services site ((binding SSL port 32844).


The server is registered in SharePoint with its short name and this certificate subject contains the FQDN name.

2 solutions:

  • Get another certificate with a matching subject name,
  • Rename server in SharePoint farm to its FQDN

That last solution was chosen, done in PowerShell.

Get servers with their registered name in farm:


Rename one server (must be done locally on the server):

Rename-SPServer -Identity MyServer -Name

Follow by a iisreset, and wait 10mn to get topology updated 🙂


Nagios: Monitor Windows certificates


Plugin’s job si to monitor certificates in Windows store expiration date.

I am using nsclient++ on servers to execute PowerShell scripts & co. The flow is:

Nagios => check_nrpe =>  powershell script => nagios feedback

This works also on Server Core.

Windows contains many already expired certificate. This script contains a blacklist to ignore them.


tested setup


  • Centos 6.4 x64
  • Nagios 3.4.4
  • check_nrpe 2.13
  • Centreon 2.4.2


  • Windows Server 2003 / 2008 R2 / 2012
  • nsclient++ 0.4.1 x64 et x86
  • Servers Core & GUI

Script arguments

  • checkMyStore (on by default)
  • checkRootStore (on by default)
  • checkCAStore (on by default)
  • checkAuthRootStore (on by default)
  • checkSharePointStore (on by default)
  • expireInDays (60 days by default)
  • maxWarn (warning if above)
  • maxCrit (Critical if above)

For each store, argument must be a boolean ($true /$false ou 1/0)

expireInDays,maxWarn and maxCrit must be integers

Sample usages

Directly in PowerShell:

PS C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts> . .lotp_check_certificates.ps1
PS C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts>

Through NRPE:

[root~]# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H myserver -n -c check_certificate -a $true $true $true $true $true 60 0 0




On Windows:

  • Enable powershell script execution without signed : Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  • copy script in folder C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts
  • Add to nsclient.ini:
    • [/settings/external scripts/wrapped scripts]
      check_certificate=lotp_check_certificate.ps1 $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$ $ARG5$ $ARG6$ $ARG7$ $ARG8$


On Centreon, by adding this command:

$USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -n -c check_certificate -a $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$ $ARG5$ $ARG6$ $ARG7$ $ARG8$


(remove .txt at the end)


Code source here:


# ====================================================================
# Check certificates health state
# Author: Mathieu Chateau - LOTP
# mail:
# version 0.1
# ====================================================================

# Require Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned.. or sign this script with your PKI 

# ============================================================
#  Do not change anything behind that line!
	[int]$maxWarn = 1,
	[int]$maxError = 0


# blacklist all third party known expired certificates in root & co, on Windows Server 2003, 2008 & 2012


$allCerts=Get-ChildItem -Path cert: -Recurse | ? {
($_.Notafter -lt (get-date).AddDays($expireInDays)) -and 
($_.PSPParentPath -notmatch "Disallowed") -and
($blacklist -notcontains $_.Thumbprint)} | select NotAfter,FriendlyName,PSParentPath

function outputCert ($temp)
	foreach ($t in $temp)
		$outputTemp+=$t.FriendlyName+":"+(get-date -Date $t.NotAfter -format "yyyy/MM/dd")+" "
	return $outputTemp
# check params if provided

	$temp=@($allCerts | ? {$_.PSParentPath -match "\My$"})
	if($temp.Count -gt 0)
		$outputNames+=outputCert $temp
	$temp=@($allCerts | ? {$_.PSParentPath -match "\Root$"})
	if($temp.Count -gt 0)
		$outputNames+=outputCert $temp
	$temp=@($allCerts | ? {$_.PSParentPath -match "\CA$"})
	if($temp.Count -gt 0)
		$outputNames+=outputCert $temp
	$temp=@($allCerts | ? {$_.PSParentPath -match "\AuthRoot$"})
	if($temp.Count -gt 0)
		$outputNames+=outputCert $temp
	$temp=@($allCerts | ? {$_.PSParentPath -match "\SharePoint$"})
	if($temp.Count -gt 0)
		$outputNames+=outputCert $temp

foreach ($var in (Get-Variable -Name "count*Store"))

if($countTotal -gt $maxError)
elseif($countTotal -gt $maxWarn)
$output=$state+": "+$outputNames

Write-Host $output
exit $exitcode